Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese Government Warns Those Nearby Nuclear Plant To Stay Indoors In Order To Avoid Radiation

Sincerely, a magnitude of 9.0 earthquake in northeast Japan shook nuclear powerplant­­s hard whether those plants were constructe­­d to stand most of quakes, after all. It is just surprising to face that even Japan, the nation well prepared for all kinds of natural disasters, is struggling with this nuclear crisis. Some media frenzies compare this situation as 'Chernobyl­­' accident, but I guess Japanese engineers are pretty well putting effort to cool down the nuclear reactor. From what I've known from lots of articles, The Westerlies (wind blowing from west to east) seem to push leaking radiation to the Pacific Ocean, and minimally affecting Tokyo, or other Asian nations. Still we should be aware of the possible nuclear contaminat­­ion around the leakage area. Just in remind, a radiation from CT scan is 10mSv, and we are still alive after taking multiple CT scans!!!!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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